Megan Bishop   –  Texas A&M University

What are your research interests?
  • The identification of dysgraphia and development of remediation techniques and interventions to address handwriting difficulties.
  • Enhancing the training and professional development of prospective educational diagnosticians.
  • Examining the prevalence of handwriting difficulties in those with reading disabilities.
  • Exploration of methodologies in the identification of specific learning disabilities.
  • The early identification of dyslexia and implementation of interventions tailored to the specific needs of students.
Why are you part of the RISE grant?

As a special education teacher, educational diagnostician, and parent of a child with dysgraphia – I always struggled to find research-based interventions addressing handwriting difficulties. There are commercially available curriculum products for whole class instruction, but not interventions specifically targeting dysgraphic individuals. I want to research effective strategies and help develop intervention techniques for teachers and parents to use with their students/children.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would go to Alaska. Our family loves to travel and we always look forward to visiting Alaska. We love the weather, animals, nature, and activities that Alaska has to offer.


Bishop, M. E. & Erbeli, F. (2023, March 1-4). Insights into dysgraphia research: Identification, interventions, and policies. [Poster presentation]. Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Convention & Expo, Louisville, KY, USA. (International)

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Bishop, M. E. & Erbeli, F. (2023, March 1-4). Dysgraphia policy throughout the United States. [Poster presentation]. Council for Exceptional Children 2023 Convention & Expo, Louisville, KY, USA. (International)

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Erbeli, F., Rice, M., Bishop, M., & Thacker, J. (2022, November 10-12). Differential nonword- and word-reading co-development in children at-risk and not-at-risk for dyslexia [Poster presentation]. International Dyslexia Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA. (International)

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Rice, M., Erbeli, F, & Bishop, M. (2022, November 10-12). Phonemic awareness: Research-based findings for implementing effective instruction [Conference session]. International Dyslexia Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA. (International)